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Tim Disney

Neat simple LLM use for text manipulation

I had a neat little interaction with an LLM this week where I had a markdown note in Obsidian I wanted to convert some of its formatting. The note had a bunch of external markdown links:

- [Note1](app://
- [Note2](app://
- ...

that I wanted to convert to internal links:

- [[Note1]]
- [[Note2]]
- ...

Previously to do this I'd either reach for something like a vim macro or write a little regex. Realistically for most cases the activation energy would be too much and I'd just not do the reformatting at all.

But with a LLM (in this case I used the TextGen plugin) you can just show an example and tell the LLM to do it and it just works. The prompt was something like

- [Note1](app://
- [Note2](app://
- ...


convert the list above from `[Note](path/to/Note)` to `[[Note]]`

It's pretty cool that we basically get a kind of programming by example for "free" with LLMs.